Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Federal Debt Ceiling

As we will begin to see over the next few weeks we are watching a slow motion train wreck called the Federal Debt Ceiling.  Here are a few stories that will appear to be psychic (when viewed in retrospect)
  1. Treasury Ending issuance of SLGS as of Friday
  2. Treasury Auctions will put debt over the debt ceiling by Monday 5/15/2011
  3. Heritage Foundation - Says Sell Federal Assets to Balance Budget, like Treasury Gold in Fort Knox? 5/16/2011
  4. America's Deepening Default Chasm (5/22/2011 - FT - complete via google jump)
  5. Policy Fatigue.  Accidents can happen?  Do you want these politicians driving the US economy? (6/9/2011)
  6. US Treasury Secretly Weighs Options to Avert Default (7/7/2011) A small team of U.S. Treasury officials is discussing options to stave off default if Congress fails to raise the debt limit by the Aug. 2 deadline
  7. A Trillion is a Big Number (9/5/2012) We just broke through $16tn debt.  Rick Santelli summarizes, in words and tables that any 6 year old girl could comprehend, why "a trillion is a big number"

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