Saturday, January 12, 2013

Make a Difference and Become Involved, Let Your Voice Be Heard

Why aren't you more involved with government? Why not get involved with debates about where this country is heading and how we are going to get there? Maybe you don't have the time or you don't know how to write your congress people. Whatever the reason, the best time to stop being passive and start becoming active is right now!
There is now an easy to make your voice heard and hopefully, (just maybe) you too can make a difference: sign a petition on where they say:

“My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in government.”— President Barack Obama

(Mind you, I'm not normally a big fan of Obama, but in this statement I whole-heartedly agree!)

Here are some examples of petitions (there are many more):
Perform an assayed public audit of all the Treasury’s claimed 8,100 tons of gold and net of swaps, loans and sales.
Place all members of the government under the same healthcare legislation that ordinary citizens are, with no exceptions.

That petition to "Perform an assayed public audit of all the Treasury’s claimed 8,100 tons of gold"?

Here is what the folks over at ZeroHedge have to say about it:

That is one petition, which unlike all the other gimmicky wastes of time, that we (and certainly the German people if not the Bundesbank) would wholeheartedly endorse, and one which we hope promptly crosses the 25,000 signature threshold needed for a formal response from the White House.

Sadly, the response will be one denying what the people demand, but it will be interesting to see just what excuse the White House uses to shoot down an idea that is far more worthy of people's time and attention than "minting" coins whose only real symbolism is that America is flat broke.

Let 's change that and all get active!  Sign this petition now!