Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Joanne Scholldorf: Instead of your description: Try using the meaning of the word forum to describe what your blog is about: A collection of articles, etc. why not enhance the description. Joanne Scholldorf: The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.b. A public meeting place for open discussion.c. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.2. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation

Produce the Note - Fighting Foreclosure

A recent posting on InvestorCentric Blog describes a way to stall foreclosure if you should be in such a desperate situation as that. It also features a YouTube video interview of Chris Hoyer that aired today on Good Morning America:

The FOX Orlando TV Station also spread the word on “Produce the Note”

For more information on tactics to forestall foreclosure see the Consumer Information Network

People Beginning to Realize Gold is Money

Of course, gold has always been money. It is just that governments and central bankers around the world have tried to convince people that their paper debt certificates are even "better than gold" because they pay interest on their debt.

I've spent the last 3 years studying economics, gold, precious metals investments and a great variety of ideas around the preservation of weath. I cannot say I have it all figured out, but I'm more knowledgable than I was three years ago. It makes sense to me that much of what some of the gold bugs have been screaming about for years is starting to come true. Namely:
  • Gold and Silver was once the basis of money in the United States and Britian. It is no longer, having been replaced by fiat currencies.
  • Most countries in the world are on a similar fiat currency system, with fractional reserve banking being the whole basis for currency distribution and management.
  • Gradually, as a country moves government surplus to government deficit spending, the debts of that government become increasingly unsustainable. That is, governments begin to require ever increasing amounts of new debt in order to pay interest and principle on the prior debts. Once that process begins it is very hard to stop.
  • Money in the form of fiat currency begins to behave in unusual ways. Where paper money (or Federal Reserve Notes - FRNs - to be more technically accurate) was once thought to be an asset it can increasingly be viewed as more of a liability - that is, as someone else's obligation to pay, namely the government/central bank in question.
  • Physical gold having been trusted for more than 5,000 years as money, as a store of wealth, and as nobody's obligation to pay becomes the final form of money.

In this blog, I'm going to write about my thoughts on money, precious metals investing and other topics. I hope you will enjoy it!